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June 29, 2024

‘Like the shaven Hercules … his codpiece seems as massy as his club’ - Much Ado About Nothing, act III, scene 3

The Tudor Tailor’s King of Codpieces competition attracted a great deal of interest and amusement on social media.

May banner - elizabethan-lady-website-banner

May 30, 2024

‘... an ell and three quarters will not measure her [Nell] from hip to hip’ - Comedy of Errors, act III, scene 2

The 'Borne out with whalebone' event at Wollaton Hall last Wednesday demonstrated the unlikely practicality of women’s dress in the 1590s.

April 2024 Hose-website-banner

April 25, 2024

‘Marry, here's grace and a codpiece; that's a wise man and a fool’ - King Lear, act III, scene 2

Evidence for the construction of men’s legwear in the 16th century is fragmentary and difficult to piece together.

February 2024 banner

February 29, 2024

‘I beseech thee, apparel thy head’ - Love’s Labour’s Lost, act V, scene 1

Evidence for typical dress is now more clearly visible in a painting currently on display at The Queen’s Gallery in London (until Sunday 14 April).


January 25, 2024

'O brave new world' The Tempest, act V, scene 1

The team has been busy overhauling the printed patterns in The Tudor Tailor range to improve the design, instructions and pattern sheets.

Bodkins Thimbles and Dress Hooks

December 4, 2023

‘Bid your friends welcome, show a merry cheer’ - Merchant of Venice, act III, scene 2

The Tudor Tailor’s silver thimbles are based on an original example dated between 1580 and 1650 found at Acton Court in South Gloucestershire in the 1980s.

Farthingale sleeve kit

November 23, 2023

‘I know the young gentlewoman; she has good gifts’ - Merry Wives of Windsor, Act I, scene 1

The much-anticipated Farthingale Sleeves Kit is now available to buy in The Tudor Tailor’s online shop. The kit contains everything necessary to make a pair of farthingale sleeves.

Ruff kit contents

November 1, 2023

‘You and your crafts! You have crafted fair!’ - Coriolanus, act IV, scene 6

The Tudor Tailor is ready for the Christmas rush with exciting new kits to help with the reconstruction of those fiddly, fancy and fantastic bits and pieces that make all the difference to your festive Tudor look.

Three ruffs

September 27, 2023

‘… my love was crafty love’ - King John, act IV scene 1

Michaelmas at the end of September was a traditional quarter day in the Tudor calendar. It was when rents were paid and people were given their wages. It was a good time to plan food for the winter and Christmas expenditure.

Melanie putting on Farthingale sleeve

August 29, 2023

‘Look upon that sleeve; behold it well’ - Troilus & Cressida, act V, scene 2

Jane and Ninya are pleased to announce that thanks to the interest and excitement over their discovery of an original 16th century farthingale sleeve, The Tudor Tailor will soon have kits for making them available.

Mackenzie pinking sleeve

July 27, 2023

‘A trunk sleeve ... curiously cut’ - Taming of the Shrew, act IV, scene 3

The Tudor Tailor’s recent ‘forensic’ investigation of the farthingale sleeve and its silk oversleeve has provided fascinating new information about their construction.